• FCW is a development and resource ECD organisation that promotes the holistic development of children within the context of their families and communities; through innovative, integrated and sustainable interventions and programmes.
  • FCW bases its projects on Early Childhood Development because we believe that the emotional, social and physical development of young children has a direct effect on their overall development and on the adult they will become. That is why understanding the need to invest in very young children is so important, so as to maximise their future well-being.
  • FCW wants to make Early Childhood Development accessible to all children in rural areas throughout South Africa, and we can already see the vision unfolding.

Our Vision

FCW sees children, families and marginalised communities, with strengthened wings, soaring towards their chosen destiny, believing the impossible is…I’m Possible.

Our Mission

In pursuit of our Vision, FCW is a dynamic development organisation enabling transformation in Southern Africa by responding to felt needs of children, families and marginalised communities through innovative, integrated and sustainable interventions, which build on their strengths.  This process is guided by:

  • Development integrity
  • Democracy
  • Self-determination
  • Contextual relevance
  • Development integrity
  • Democracy
  • Self-determination
  • Contextual relevance

Our Principals

  • Respect for our communities and people
  • Guard against exploitation of vulnerable people to achieve organisational objectives
  • Minimise risks that might arise out of participation, association or involvement in our work or projects
  • To ensure that consent and approvals are provided in the development of FCW material and publications.

Email us

Office: info@fcw.co.za
Mon - Fri: 8:00 to 16:00

Phone us

Phone: (021) 637 9144/48

Our Location

Dr.Aburahman Avenue, Kewtown
Athlone, Cape Town, 7764

Believing the Impossible Is I'm Possible